Thematic Analysis Of Lorraine Hansberry’s “a Raisin In The Sun”

In the play, “A aisin in the Sun,” by Lorraine Handsberry, the primary setting is the apartment of the Youngers family. In fact, the majority of the action of the play occurs within the confines of the family apartment. The plot of the play is focuses upon the apartment as well — what the apartment is, and what the apartment is not. Primary, the apartment is not an adequate domicile for the Youngers family for a variety of reasons, which play out over the course of the narrative. For the Younger family in a Raisin in the Sun, dreams provide each character a motivation and desire. The play shows each member of the Younger family’s dream through various instances throughout the text.

a raisin in the sun theme essay

Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Literary Devices Used in the Story “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry.

A Raisin In The Sun Essay About Dreams

Hegets addicted to the middle-class philosophy of materialism and believes in rising to become a better person through hard work and determination. Hansberry illustrates Walter’s perception towards Charlie’s business that earns him $100,000 annually. He ignores everyone’s opinion towards his intentions of running a liquor storewhich he adopts with desperation as means to realize his dream. Even poetry is incorporated in this story when Gabriel quotes a poem by Robert Browning. Gabriel wears galoshes, fashionable in Europe, but uncommon in Ireland. He earned his college degree at Anglican Trinity College in Dublin.

  • With the much-anticipated April 3 opening of a new Broadway revival starring Denzel Washington, “A Raisin in the Sun” is again in the spotlight — though for teachers the groundbreaking play the mulatto summary has been a classroom staple for decades.
  • The different tastes in personal pleasure can be seen in the leisure industry as a whole.
  • Walter has a sense of entitlement to the money, but Mama has religious objections to alcohol, and Beneatha has to remind him it is Mama’s call how to spend it.
  • By becoming a lone doctor with Asagai in Africa, Bennie gets the stepping stone to discovering herself that she never would have received if she stayed with her family.
  • Bennie felt like low class, and didn’t feel she could be a doctor anymore .

Although the play did not address whether or not Beneatha became a doctor or if she marred, it certainly presented the likelihood that these issues would present obstacles for Beneatha. Anyway, I think that this man’s memory – of how cruel and brutal life was back in the 1960s when the Civil Rights Movement was just getting some momentum – would lead him to believe that life is a lot better now for blacks. And he would be right, because no sheriff can behave like that and get away with it anymore. But what this Caucasian man in his 50s may not know, after watching a Raisin in the Sun, is that hundreds of thousands of black families struggle every day to survive.

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James Hughes was, by his son\’s account, a cold man who hated blacks , feeling that most of them deserved their ill fortune because of what he considered their ignorance and laziness. James Hughes was, by his sons account, a cold man who hated blacks , feeling that most of them deserved their ill fortune because of what he considered their ignorance and laziness. DickinsonDickinson After reading both Tell All the Truth but Tell It Slant by Emily Dickinson and Harlem by Langston Hughes, I determined that the main difference between the two poems is both poets use of diction.

a raisin in the sun theme essay

Similar to planting your own backyard garden, if a dream is to be obtained, tremendous amounts of effort and care are needed. However, even if you manage to do every single thing right, ultimately, it is the conditions in which your garden grows that has the final say on whether it thrives or simply continues to survive. All of this suggests that, in the end, people can work as hard and as long as anyone else, but if their environment and the people within are primed against them, they may never get the chance to succeed. Family is the strongest support system a person can have, whether it is to comfort, grieve, or support. Their love for each other cannot be broken, especially during times of adversity.

When his wife announces her pregnancy and her consideration of abortion he does nothing. Walter was not in a position financial to have a baby neither to finance aborting it. Although her family could not afford to, they pushed Beneath and supported her financially in order for her to reach her dreams. Collectively, they all needed money for their future happiness, some more than other, in pursuit of achieving their American Dream.

A Raisin In The Sun: What Happens To A Dream Deferred

The play follows the life of a small black family\’s struggle to keep their dreams from tenants to owners alive. These dreams, and the struggles necessary to reach them, as well as coming to terms with the dreams that are out of reach, are the focus and driving force behind this story of every persons struggle to achieve goals that a… Mama is the head of the household where she lives with her son Walter and wife Ruth with their son Travis along with Walters sister Beneatha or Bennie as some like to call her. The theme indicated in these stories is the search for community. Mama is the head of the household where she lives with her son Walter and wife Ruth with their son Travis along with Walter\’s sister Beneatha or Bennie as some like to call her.

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